The Survival Multi Tool Hammer from Off Grid Tools is a great choice for a car, a camping trip, or as an at home emergency tool. It can be removed quickly when worn out and gives you the ability to quickly power through branches or boards. The fold out saw is another really nice touch. These are two extremely useful tools to have in any serious situation. We really liked that Off Grid Tools included both a hatchet and a hammer in a single tool. The nail puller is effective and the various hex wrenches are well sized. The hammer itself is an interesting shape but is well suited for light to medium pounding and hammering. It has a textured plastic grip to give you firm purchase while using it.
#Sheffield multi tool knife full
The Survival Hammer uses a full tang design that incorporates the hammer, hatchet, and all other major tools in a single piece of machined steel. They claim it fulfills 31 different roles, including:
#Sheffield multi tool knife plus
The Survival Multi Tool Hammer from Off Grid Tools combines the features of a hammer and a hatchet plus a whole bunch of other useful features. Off Grid Tools Survival Multi Tool with Hammer The Off Grid Tools hammer multi tool product picture That being said you can still get a good bit of use out of it as long as you don’t expect it to perform miracles. Given its extremely low price you shouldn’t expect more. We’ll be honest, the quality of the tools on this hammer multi tool isn’t spectacular. The nail puller on the back worked just as advertised and all the screwdrivers were adequate. We found it to be a useful size and weight and fully capable of hammering in small to medium nails. You can lock the pliers closed with a swinging latch when you need to use the hammer. The body is made from stainless steel with attractive wood handles. The other tools all open up swiss army style from within. Instead of a butterfly fold one handle of the pliers swings out from the main body. The Sheffield uses a hybrid design style. It gives you 14 different tools, including: The hammer head and nail puller are actually on either side of the pliers.

The Sheffield Hammer Multi Tool has an interesting design that combines a hammer and pliers into a single tool. Sheffield Premium Hammer Multi Tool The Sheffield Premium hammer multi tool product picture We’ve tried to put together a cross section of the market including everything from keychain sized novelty multi tools to high-end products from companies like Leatherman. There are a few examples from major manufacturers but many others come from independent makers. Most are designed around home maintenance and other building/repair tasks. Hammer multi tools make up just a small slice of the overall market. Kikkerland Mini Keychain Hammer Multi Tool.SOG Camping Hatchet & Hammer Combo Tool.Leatherman Signal Multi Tool with Hammer.